Pitchrate | Small Business Marketing Is Easier Than You Think

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Sydni Craig-Hart

SYDNI CRAIG-HART, expert marketing coach and consultant, supports service professionals in creating success – in both their businesses and their lives. Known as "The Smart Simple Marketing Coach," Sydni uses a results-focused, “how to” approach in implementing simple and customized strategies ...

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Smart Simple Marketing

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05/09/2011 03:30pm
Small Business Marketing Is Easier Than You Think

Small business marketing is not only necessary to your success as an entrepreneur, it's easier than you think. Statistics say your small business has a 1 in 6 chance of survival, but without effective, ongoing marketing, your odds are far less than that. Utilize proven small business marketing strategies that will let you spread the word about your business quickly and get in front of the right people.

Small business marketing can seem like a big task. After all, big corporations have entire departments devoted to nothing other than marketing, so what can you do with a one-woman (or one-man) show? The good news is...plenty! You can market your small business in a number of ways that will have your phone ringing, inbox filling up and your bank balance growing. One of the keys to success is to build a compelling brand and consistently create awareness for that brand.

Build Your Brand and Market

As important as what you do is, what you need to market is who you are and the solutions you offer - your brand. Think about it - when you think tomato soup, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Perhaps it's Campbell's red and white can. (It's probably those cute little kids ice skating, right?) Campbell's didn't spend years promoting the vine-ripened tomatoes that make up their smooth, tasty soup, did they? No way! Instead, they taught us all that when you need tomato soup, there is no one else but Campbell's. They marketed the brand, but they made millions off of the soup.

Don't Hide Out

Be diligent about including your brand on everything that moves, along with everything that sits still. Every email you send should have your branding, and a link to your website. Same goes for every information product, brochure, video, audio product or flyer you send to anyone. It doesn't matter what you put your branding on -- it matters that your small business is everywhere people look. Make yourself known - and use your branding to do it.

Take Action In Spite Of Your Fear

One of the most important parts of your small business marketing strategy is your mindset. It's a big, big world out there and there are millions of folks trying to get their share of the market by doing the same thing you do. Don't allow yourself to feel overwhelmed. Instead of caving in to fear and scarcity, focus on creating results for your target market. Every single success story started with a person who wondered if they could make their dream happen - and then they went out and did it. You are no different. No matter what your emotions tell you, just dive in and do it, even when you're afraid.

You Decide!

You don't have to follow the pack and do the same old, same old. You can and should step out and start a trend rather than follow it. If you have an innovative idea for getting your name out there, go ahead and try it. The more unique and novel your idea is, the more interest and buzz it will create. As long as your strategy is planned and organized, you stand an excellent chance of gaining attention and creating a name for your business. Don't be concerned if an idea isn't proven. Everything was new and innovative once!

Successful small business marketing is easier than you think. Build your brand and your market by taking action and doing something new that shows who you are and why your business is the one your prospects need to choose. Step out of the tired old marketing box and try something new - and you'll look at small business marketing in a whole new way.


branding, marketing mindset, marketing strategy, small business marketing, smart simple marketing, sydni craig-hart
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